Statement of Faith
-We believe in God, the creator of all, that He is eternal and sovereign over all, and existing in 3 persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
-We believe that God speaks to us today through His Word, the Holy Bible, and that the Bible is without error. It was written by the hands of men, but through the divine inspiration of the Spirit of God. -We believe that we were created in God's image. Man was tempted to rebel against God, and fell to temptation- separating us from God, and bringing death to all. -We believe that God loved us so much that He sent His son, Jesus (God incarnate), to be born a virgin birth, live a perfect life, be our example to follow, die on the cross as atonement for the sins of all mankind, and raise from the dead- defeating death. We believe that Jesus, though being God, humbled Himself to save us from eternal condemnation because of His love for us. -We believe in the resurrection and judgement of the saved and the lost: the saved to eternal life in heaven, no longer separated from God, and the lost to hell, a place of eternal condemnation apart from God. -We believe that we can be saved by grace alone through faith in the atoning death of Jesus. This faith is alive and active, and is how we submit our lives to Jesus, and live for Him, by the power of His Holy Spirit at work in us. -We believe in having a personal relationship with Jesus, and that we can speak directly to God in prayer- that the death of Jesus has bridged the gap created by sin. -We believe that God is at work today expanding His kingdom for His glory, and that, though He doesn't need us, He chooses to use us in reaching the lost (making disciples) and to share His love with others, that they might come to know and love Him, repent of their sins, and follow Jesus. -We believe in the spiritual battle that we are always facing. Satan opposes God and is relentlessly trying to tempt people to not follow God. However, we believe that God has already won, and we have no cause to worry, because we are victorious in Jesus. |